Models Available: MAT211; The World's Most Versatile Mat, used in more facilities than any other brand. For everyday maintenance; soaking up leaks, drips, spills and overspray.
Models Available: MAT211
The World's Most Versatile Mat, used in more facilities than any other brand. For everyday maintenance; soaking up leaks, drips, spills and overspray.
Still fussing with messy floor sweep to clean up leaks, drips and spills? There's a better way. Hundreds of thousands of folks in industrial workplaces have already switched to PIG Absorbent Mat. Our original gray universal pads and rolls are the easiest way to clean up oils, coolants, solvents and water next to leaky machines, near walkways, on top of workbenches, under parts, for maintenance teardowns, repairs and rebuilds. Used in warehouses, loading docks, manufacturing, laboratories, machine and auto shops and more worldwide. Our most versatile mat is the world's best — no frills, no fuss. Just a simple, tried-and-true tool to keep your work environment dry, clean and safe.
Models Available: MAT211; The World's Most Versatile Mat, used in more facilities than any other brand. For everyday maintenance; soaking up leaks, drips, spills and overspray.
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