Models: TLS303; Use these floating, water-repellent absorbents to clean up oil, diesel, gas, petroleum and fuel on land, in the rain or on water.
- TLS303 (For PIG Oil-Only Booms & Pillows, 1.25" x 54")
Use these floating, water-repellent absorbents to clean up oil, diesel, gas, petroleum and fuel on land, in the rain or on water.
Oil and fuel spills can be a nightmare to clean up — whether they happen on land or water. Stay prepared with PIG Oil Booms and Oil Socks to stop the spill, absorb the mess, and contain the damage to the environment and your bottom line. Because they’re water-repellant, you don’t waste absorbency in the rain or on water. When used as a floating boom, you can contain and absorb oil spills on water. Our quick-deploy boom hugs the ground for land-based oil spills. There’s an oil-only absorbent boom or sock for any application you’ve got, below.
Models: TLS303; Use these floating, water-repellent absorbents to clean up oil, diesel, gas, petroleum and fuel on land, in the rain or on water.
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